Some POCO Statistics

Generated using David A. Wheeler’s ‘SLOCCount‘ from current SVN trunk, rev. 661:

SLOC Directory SLOC-by-Language (Sorted)
88328 Foundation cpp=69772,ansic=18556
86109 Data ansic=52596,cpp=33513
26193 XML cpp=20424,ansic=5769
23916 Net cpp=23916
11642 WebWidgets cpp=11642
7680 Util cpp=7680
3974 NetSSL_OpenSSL cpp=3974
2244 CppUnit cpp=2244
990 PageCompiler cpp=989
922 ApacheConnector cpp=922
486 release sh=486
118 dist sh=118
103 build sh=103
29 contrib perl=29

cpp: 175076 (69.27%)
ansic: 76921 (30.44%)
sh: 707 (0.28%)
perl: 29 (0.01%)

Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) = 252,734
Development Effort Estimate, Person-Years (Person-Months) = 66.65 (799.85)
(Basic COCOMO model, Person-Months = 2.4 * (KSLOC**1.05))
Schedule Estimate, Years (Months) = 2.64 (31.70)
(Basic COCOMO model, Months = 2.5 * (person-months**0.38))
Estimated Average Number of Developers (Effort/Schedule) = 25.23
Total Estimated Cost to Develop = $ 9,004,062
(average salary = $56,286/year, overhead = 2.40).