POCO C++ Libraries Blog

News and discussion for the POCO Community

Meet Us At Austria’s Long Night Of Research

Come and meet us at Austria’s Long Night Of Research, Friday November 5. Set the sails with an iPhone in a virtual sailing regatta and win a sailing course on Lake Wörth. See a new innovative system for automatic weighing of trucks on highway bridges. Including our new Reverse HTTP technology for easy remote access.

Start Testing 1.3.7

1.3.7 will be released in the coming weeks. The release is mostly complete; depending on available time a few more of the open bugs may be fixed. One more thing will be added in the coming days – support for 64 bit builds on Windows (Visual Studio 2008) in the form of updated project files. […]

Windows CE Support Is Here

Good news for everyone looking for Windows CE support in POCO. We have created a port of the POCO C++ Libraries to Windows CE 6 based on the current 1.3.7 branch. The port should work on Windows CE 5.x as well, however, testing has only been done on a Windows CE 6 device. There are […]

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Embedded World

I’ll be attending Embedded World in Nürnberg, Germany next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. If you’re there and want to meet, you are welcome. Just send me a message (guenter at pocoproject.org) to set the details. Hope to see you there, Günter

5th Anniversary

Today marks the fifth anniversary of the first public release of the POCO C++ Libraries. On February 21, 2005, release 0.91.1 was uploaded to Sourceforge, as documented in the CHANGELOG. We’ve come a long way since then. Happy 5th Birthday, POCO! And a big Thank You to everyone who has contributed in all these years.

First Sponsor: Schneider Electric Buildings

I am happy to introduce the first official sponsor of the POCO C++ Libraries project: Schneider Electric Buildings (formerly TAC). They have been using POCO since 2006 in a large project in the building automation industry. Since they started using POCO as early as 2006, they have also been one of the first companies (if […]

Moving to GitHub?

Since a few people have suggested moving the project to GitHub, I am willing to give it a try. Before doing so however, I’d like to collect some input and feedback. First, how should we set up the project on GitHub? The simplest way would be to move the entire SVN tree (with trunk, sandbox […]

Sponsors Needed!

As stated in a blog post some months ago, I am now looking for sponsors to help funding POCO C++ Libraries development. After considering a few alternatives, including setting up a non-profit organization overseeing project direction and funding, I came to the conclusion that, at least at the beginning, sponsorship agreements will be handled by […]

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Help Needed: POCO Article on Wikipedia

The Wikipedia article on POCO could need some help, as it has recently been marked as not meeting the notability guidelines and is in danger of being deleted. Could someone (who’s not a POCO maintainer) please take some time and add some more content to the article (maybe a History, License and Implementation section), as […]

Season’s Greetings

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone using and contributing to the POCO C++ Libraries!