POCO Netconf: Add automatic configuration capabilities to your devices.

Based on Poco – the open source network-centric, cross-platform C++ library – Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH, the expert to connect embedded systems with enterprise IT infrastructure, has currently released a C++ library for XML based Device Management, which implements the NetConf Standard.

The NETCONF protocol defines a simple mechanism to manage and configure a network device, to retrieve, upload and manipulate configuration data .

The POCO NetConf package delivers the necessary standard functionality for XML based Device Management and helps to

· reduce the implementation costs,

· ease the access to new device configuration capabilities

· reduce operational costs by implementing configuration automation.

An Overview and User Manual is available here.


A. http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/netconf-charter.html

B. http://appinf.com/poco/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=HowTos

C. http://www.appinf.com